Wednesday, November 26, 2008


One thing I am thankful for is the time we have had with Marranda. We found out today that she will be going for good on the 19th. We're sad that she will be leaving us, but we are happy that she will be able to be with her mom. Right now the sad's bigger than the happy.

It's hard to believe how much our life has changed in the last 2 years. Even just the last year. Marranda will have been with us 8 months by the time she goes home next month.

Right now it kinda feels like we're in a room full of doors, none are open yet and there all pretty blurry. We're not sure which will open and which will remain shut and which we'll go thru. The job door has shut for now. It's not really a fun place to be, but God always walks with us. We just have to wait for His lead.

I don't mean to sound so sad, I really am looking foward to the coming months. God is Good... He will provide as He always has. It's always fun to see when, where, and how God will show up.

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Mrs. McMillionaire