Here's some of my musings on the Proverbs 31 woman...
So many Christian women are trying to figure out what it means to be “mature.” Often times they will turn to Proverbs 31 to read about the “woman of noble character” and hurriedly run the other way. At first glance the woman in this passage looks like a June Cleaver makeover, but that is not what or who this woman was. June Cleaver is far from the ideal woman. Many have suggested that this poem is simply a picture of wisdom personified and as such it summarizes the whole of Proverbs. However, others have argued that it is a picture of a wise woman of God. Here, as a conclusion to the book of Proverbs, Lady Wisdom is indeed personified and as such gives the readers a concrete example of a wise woman. The standards for Godly wisdom and maturity are beautifully laid out in this poem. If our goal as Christ followers is to become like Christ and true wisdom comes only from God (as the Bible says), then Proverbs 31 “certainly presents a pattern for women who want to develop a life of wisdom." It can be used as the measuring rod for godly maturity, for wisdom. A mature woman is a wise woman. Many women in scripture have exemplified the qualities embodied in this text [Deborah (Judges 4), Ruth, Abigail (1 Samuel 25), Elizabeth and Mary (Luke 1-2)].Today’s women should strive to do no less. I could be wrong, but for now, I'm thoroughly that this woman was real.
The Proverbs 31 woman will look different just about every time you see her, but the same qualities will shine through. We know that the foundation of her life is a healthy fear of the Lord. She is strong, honorable, and virtuous. She knows her worth. She respects her husband and he trusts her. She is strong physically, mentally, and spiritually. She watches her tongue and speaks carefully. She uses her blessings wisely and realizes that she has been blessed to be a blessing. She prepares for the future and has a joyful disposition even in the face of hardship. Finally, she leaves a legacy for others to follow.
God does not expect perfection, but he does expect perseverance. David is heralded as a man after God’s own heart, yet he failed miserably at times. Biblical womanhood is much more than the do’s and dont's of character attributes and outward changes. It’s a matter of the heart. It’s a mindset. A heart set on Christ. The whole bible supports and exemplifies biblical womanhood. A biblical woman is one who seeks Christ first and forsakes all else. All are welcome to join the pursuit. Isaiah 55:1 says “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat!”
I have enjoyed my study. It has challenged and stretched my faith and my prayer life. There are many things I need to work on when it comes to being like Christ. The 2 chapter of my thesis will probably turn into a Bible study in the near future. I've been wanting to write my own, perhaps this will be the first. We'll see where the second half of this chapter takes me.