Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A New Adventure

Well, God sold the boat tonight. I've got 3500 cash sitting next to me right now. I wanna explain that God part. As I was sitting down to look for a ski boat online...cause that was the plan all along. Sell the boat and get a new one. Well, when James came back inside he had a look on his face and said we needed to have a family meeting. Well he dropped a bomb shell in my lap. He said that he'd been praying and God has really laid adoption on his heart. That was not new news, but what shocked me was when he said he didn't want to get another boat and that he wanted to sell the truck as well. Instant tears filled my eyes, but I gotta admit I couldn't quite figure out if it was cause I was sad tht we were selling our only toys or because of the way I could feel God at work in this situation, I think it was for both reasons. Wow. I never thought James would agree to sell the truck and not get another boat or truck. Well, off we go toward the unknown. God is good.

1 comment:

Stacy Peacock said...

I almost cried, and I don't do that much. I'm so excited for you guys. I will definitely be praying for you guys on this new journey.

Mrs. McMillionaire