Friday, May 29, 2009

piles and piles and more piles

There's not a whole lot to update this week. No drama in our lives which is a good thing. We've got dinner at one of the elder's houses tonight, a baptism tomorrow, and we're getting ready to head off to our retreat in WI Sunday afternoon. James brother is running a marathon out in San Diego on Sunday. Can't wait to hear about that. James is out on the front porch working on his least he was until his butt fell asleep in the chair. I made bagel chips this morning and need to get off my butt and clean the house this afternoon so we can come home to a clean house next Friday. I guess I always remember Mom wanting to have a mostly clean house when we came home from a vacation. It's like getting into a nice warm clean bed at the end of a long day. Speaking of which...I need to change the sheets on the bed. I've got lots of work to do. There are piles on the kitchen and dining room tables, and more piles of clothes to be washed and folded and piles of dishes to be washed and put away. I!!! I love my piles. James hates my piles. Such is life.

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Mrs. McMillionaire