Saturday, April 12, 2008

Is There A God???

Wow! My friend Meredith wrote a blog about this question. She googled trying to find out how to answer this question in a good way, but all she came up with were blogs and blogs of bad answers to the question. Try it. You'll find lots of blogs with people asking questions and many people saying that there is no God. They say they aren't sure. Some say that they have been "saved" at some time or another, but they don't go to church because it's corupt and they are a good person anyway so it doesn't matter. Some say it doesn't matter at all. Reading a few of these blogs and the answers is sufficient to yank me out of my little bubble I have once again found myself in. It is amazing how easy it is for my vision to be clouded. I forget that there are people headed to Hell everyday because I have been silent. What if I were to speak up... ???


Stacy Peacock said...

That last question Beth is a very good one. I just finished reading a book that kind of did the same thing to me...woke me up from my little spiritual nap. You know the one where you just get stuck and kind of go through the motions...anyways...

Unknown said...

hey there! Good to hear from you!

Tammy said...

Hi Beth! I'm glad I found your blog! I love it. And it was fun seeing pictures of the parsonage. I'm so happy for you two. It was great getting to visit a bit with you back in Lincoln last winter. And concerning your question: Yes, virginia, there is a God! :)

Mrs. McMillionaire