Wednesday, June 10, 2009

the surgery

Well, the surgery went well and I've been home for 2 hours. But Dr. Nord did not have good news for us. The outlook isn't too good. He said that we need to get preg in the next few months or it looks like our only other option is in vitro fertilization. The endometriosis is stage three (of 4) and Dr. Nord said my tubes are too tired from the endo and that they aren't able to get the egg into the tube to be fertilized and then into the uterus to implant. He likened it to trying to use your arm after your arm has been injured and it just doesn't work like its supposed too. He also said that eventually I'll probably end up having to have a hysterectomy after we are done having kids because the endometriosis grows so quickly. Evidently mild and endometriosis does not apply to me. He said that endometriosis really likes me. We'll see what happens in the next few months. Thanks for the prayers, keep them coming.

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Mrs. McMillionaire