Sunday, March 23, 2008


Hey Everybody,

We had a great day today. James preached a great sermon this morning. we packed the house out at about 150. I'm pretty sure we can't hold much more than that. We had a lot of visitors today. We had lunch here at the parsonage. It was my first really big, go all out meal, all by myself. It was quite tasty, if I do say so myself. :) Anyway, my sister came over with her boyfriend Dave, James parents and brother were here. He also had three of his friends that he grew up with come and stay for dinner. That was pretty cool considering he doesn't think that they had ever been to a church service before. It was an all around great day.

Yesterday we had a community Easter egg hunt in the park for the neighborhood kids. There certainly are a lot of them. If we could just reach a portion of the young families in Wapella alone, we could fill the pews with young families. The field is there, we just need the tools to be sharpened for the harvest.

I talked to my brother today, he's doing well. He and my sister-in-law have been in Iraq for about a year now. They should be coming home the end of may/beginning of June. They'll be out of the service and living in the area sometime in August. It'll be really exciting having them close. I miss them both. I know a lot of people are against the war and what's going on over there, but everytime I talk to Shoshannah, she tells us the good news about whats happening.

Oh well, here it is after 11pm and I'm on the computer. This medicine is still running it's course in my system. I dread going to sleep. The night sweats have been crazy the past couple of nights. I end up waking up multiple times and about 5 I give up and come out to James recliner where I can catch a few zzzzz's. Oh well, soon enough we'll get back to normal. I wrote a few weeks ago that I wasn't looking foward to babies, I think that's beginning to change. James was on Week of E last week with Little Galilee and I was able to spend some time with a friend of mine who has a 1 month old. It's funny what little bundle's of joy can stir up inside you. Although the babies name is Patience... you think that has anything to say about what my friend needed to learn or about maybe it encompases a big part of what motherhood is all about.... Gnight... time to try and catch those elusive zzzzzz's.

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Mrs. McMillionaire