He's a hard working man, with a hard working wife. His secretary resigned due to health and family issues and he wanted me to be his secretary. I really think he just wants to be able to tell people that he's sleeping with his secretary. HaHaHa! I don't think I find that as amusing as he does. Oh well, now I've got to figure out what to do with my extra $60 bucks a week. I think I'll save it for our vacation to New York this summer.
Hey... I got the first part of my 5 part thesis done and turned in. The proposal is being reviewed. Hopefully I'll be able to get going on the rest of it real soon. If feels good to have my drive back. I have been avoiding that thesis like the plague. It is so good to know that spring is here. Even though the wind is blowing furiously outside, it is starting to warm up. I've got a spot for a garden that I'm looking foward to being able to plant. Things have been going well in Wapella. James is wanting to go to the casting call for Deal or No Deal tomorrow in Decatur. He's trying to drag me with him. It's at the mall... I threatened to go shopping while he waits in line. Evidently that's not going to be allowed. Oh well. Hope everything is going well in your neck of the woods.